Monday, May 20, 2013

How do we perceive ourselves? What scale can you use to compare yourself to another person? Its all a load of shit, not possible. Who thinks that the failures of one are comparable to the failures of others. Everyone is a unique and individual, therefore inherently their shortcomings are  uncomparable. However, society does not share this view. Despite what the individual story or situation may be, if your mistake falls within a given construct, you are generically branded... no good, a fuckup, etc...  
My "fuckups" are numerous, we all have failures, its part of maturing and discovering yourself self as a person. My greatest fear is not living up to my parent's perception of what I am capable of becoming. Its the pressure of this "perceived" expectation, that often times magnifies the scale of my mistakes in my own mind. Lying to them, or in some other way betraying their trust, are the failures I am most ashamed of, because usually they are short sighted and serve to fill some selfish personal ends. What good is sneaking out to a party if you loose your parents confidence and support. The lessons of my failures constantly urk me, but invariably valuable insight is to be gained from them, that serves me in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you tremendously with this. Failures are given such a bad rep in our society that people everywhere, especially kids, are horrified when they do and instead of brushing it off and trying again they stress over it and as a result fail more. Failures do not define you, they test you to see if you can result to the point of success. What good is success without failure? Thomas Edison failed a thousand times until he got the lightbulb right. You can't succeed without trying and failing. Very nice post, good job.
